11:28 PM | Saturday, November 29, 2008
life's been okay.
haha. it's been really long since i blogged uh! haha. okay. i am either too tired or lazy to blog anyway! alright,i shall copy shermin's blogging style! haha.
09 nov/sunday-haha! kayaking. first lesson. was quite alright! :D
10-14 nov/mon-fri-should be working! last day of work on friday! went to watch madagascar with jerome,chongling,melody and aizhen! (:
15 nov/sat-had combined school trials! no cut that week! but played like shit though!
16 nov/sun-kayaking! sucks in eskimo bow rescue.
17-21 nov/mon-fri-working! mon and fri had trg in school! wed had bible study with jordan,shaun and jerome in church! tuesday celebrated chongling's birthday! went to zoo! then went to novena's bali thai to eat! spencer treat! (: after friday trg,went home and met up with jerome,chongling and shihui. watched chihuahua! (: nice show! haha. 4 movies on fridays for consecutive four weeks/one month! haha.
22 nov/sat-had combined schools last trial! haha. got in,but jerome was out of the trial. mannnnn. i am all alone again in the team. crap.
23 nov/sun-last lesson for kayaking course! finally able to do eskimo bow rescue,but still with little bit of difficulty! expedition to merlion,flyer and esplanade! :D ate lunch at merlion! nice experience! :D pass my two-star kayak! :D
24-28 nov/mon-fri-stay home monday for me! haha. tuesday went to find jerome,wanhao and mengchao. went to play pool at parklane. and played lan too. haha. wednesday went for work till 2,met up with jerome,wanhao,jianyi,mengchao,glenden and nick for seoul garden! haha. super full! okay,i vomitted for three times. crap. then went to meet nicholas at city hall! haha. bought flowers and chocolates for melody and wilson respectively. haha. walked to victoria concert hall! singout! haha. i think it was quite okay. went to eat macs at yishun with nic,shaun and jasper. had work on thursday,went home with shihui after work. friday had promise musical! it's been long since i last wore school uniform! haha. met up with long time no see friends! haha. teachers too! the musical was alright. after the show,got up to any random bus with jerome and co. had club trg in school! (:
okay,i think it was quite sucky. we went for the 3-on-3 SIM competition. yup,it was my defending that seriously let the team down. heard that some merahans guy got injured and seriously injured his eyes. some guy hit his specs lens. and the lens broke,and went inside his eyes. need operation. let's pray that he will be alright. anw,took bus with jerome and gary to clementi and trained to city hall. gary went for work. met up with shermin at city hall. ate xin wang cafe. like finally! lol. okay,super filing! haha. walked around,bought gelare ice cream! :D haha. headed home around 9 plus.
so bored man! there will be like trg everyday next week! excp\ept for weekends. only got one league game! mon and wed-school trg! tuesday night-club trg! thursday-combined schools trgs! friday night-probable friendly with SIM at tampines sports hall! tired lah deh! haha. heard that there will be a friendly between singapore mens team and india mens team on monday at tampines sports hall! haha. coool. anw,accidentally deleted those photos taken on chongling's birthday! sorry guys,the group photo is with me! but yeah. alright,church tomorrow! haha. blog again i guess! :D
12:14 AM | Sunday, November 09, 2008
quantom of solace!
work. met up with jerome. went to suntec to buy his cotton on shorts. ate at mos and headed home.
wednesday and thursday
work. met up with shihui and headed home together.
work till 3.30. company had annual dinner. didn't want to go. like so weird going there! haha. met up with jerome and chongling at dhoby ghaut's mrt. went to cathay to buy tickets for quantom of solace! (: haha. went back to plaza sing to walk around. met up with shihui then headed back to cathay to catch the show! :D haha. the show was really nice! though not as nice as casino royale. throughout the show,something happen. shouldn't say it out! haha. headed to manhattan fish to eat dinner. queued up for a while,saw zoe's cousin. jonathan i think. our school grad! haha. anw,ordered platter for two while the rest ordered catch of the day. haha. super duper fulll! went home after that. enjoyed the day(:
met up with jerome at khatib. trained to toa payoh. bought bread from breadtalk for light breafast. took 28 to ite macpherson. haha,reached earlier then usual. watched the girls combined schools play. okay,no comment. haha. is not that they are bad or good,just really no comments. haha. warm up and played 5-on-5. sucked at 5-on-5 lah. throughout the whole trial,played like shit. shots all off target. crap man. but luckily nobody got cut this week. cause the head coach didn't went today. haha. okay,we got one more week of trials next week. it will be the last,before the team will be selected. just do my best next week i guess. hopes jerome get in tooo. after trial,bathed and headed to vivo. ate superdog. jerome got some stuffs for his brother new hamsters-.- went to walk around after that. bought an adidas bag! :D haha. schoolbag for next year! but going to use it already lah! haha. continue to walked and walked around. saw so many things that i want to get!!! haha. okay,next pay next pay. second pay should have more! haha. headed home after that. went to cut hair once reached home. mum bought botak jones for dinner! (: wooohooo! niceeeeee.
yay! 2 star tomorrow. i super duper can't wait. it's going to be so funnnnnn! alright,i suddenly feel like wanting to go out throughout the whole holidays. just want to explore the whole singapore! haha. okay,i am being random now. haha. shall go catch some sleep! if not will die in the seas tomorrow. haha. blog again! :D

it's been so long already,
12:04 AM | Tuesday, November 04, 2008
enjoyable week!
okay,so sorry. didn't blog on sunday! was too lazy in fact. haha.
last tuesday
went for work. gym with the usuals. haha,went to the jap restaurant again to eat. lol!
last wednesday
went for work and headed home,was quite tired.
last thursday
went for work,met up with jerome after work. haha,he went to ask for job. and we headed to orchard to shoppp. didn't see anything i like. headed to city hall. boguth two topman jerseys! haha. plain t-shirts in another words. haha. yeah! :D walked around marina square,saw this puma wristbands! i am going to so get it,the next time i am going there! (: walked to suntec and headed home.
last friday
went to work. and super can't wait to end work,cause it's the last day of the week! (: haha. met up with jerome at standard chatered buliding,which is like just opposite my work place. haha. went to recruit express,he went for interview. waiting for the people to call him. haha. then we headed to vivo and met up with chongling and shihui. they went to buy tickets for hsm3! me and jerome went to withdraw money. okay,the queue was like freaking long. went to pull and bear try some shirts but didn't had my size. so met up with them again and ate carl's junior! :D haha. then i went to the mrt station to met liying to get back my num card. went back and they were gone! but they were actually waiting outside-.- so went to shop around and finally bought a adidas teee! :D HAMBURGER SV! (: i think i am beginning to like HSV more than bayern munich! haha. for your information,they are german football clubs. haha. jerome left,so the rest of us went to catch the movie. haha,it was really nice i guesss! haha. enjoyed it(: 4.5/5 stars for this movie! we managed to catch the last train home,fearking lucky! we thought we would like stuck halfway-.- haha. reached home around 1.
went to church. bought macs breakfast and headed home. practically coop myself at home the whole day. sleeep for a few hours though.
went to work,late AGAIN. but time pass really fast today. met up with shihui and headed home together. at night,met up with shaun and jasper at sun plaza's cavana. pass them the kayaking form. we are taking 2 star kayaking course this sunday! haha. and the next two sunday! :D yeah man! haha. but we are going to miss 3 weeks of church): manzxzxzxz.
okay,i really super can't wait for my first pay on thursday! :D haha. and combined school trials on saturday! :D haha. hope everything is going smoothly! :D alright,now the pictures!

two more weeks of work. and i am freee. but i so want to kill time actually. maybe i should start finding other jobs. haha. okay,shall blog again! probably saturday night after trials! :D i doubt i have enough enegry to blog on sunday after kayaking! haha. blog again! :D
once and for all,
i like to say sorry for not talking much.
12:05 AM | Sunday, November 02, 2008
round 2!
okay,this shall be something short. post about today(: haha. met up with jerome at khatib around 9.50. headed to yck to bus down to ite macpherson for second round of combined schools trials! this time round there's last year combined schools players joinning us. jack came to play around also! haha,starting of the trials was kind of suck. didn't play well,but the second half of the trials was much better already. scored a few goals! haha. 7 people got kicked out today. hope next week trials would be better! i want my colours award no matter what. (: anw,bathed and went eat at amk s11. homed after that. relatives came over. haha. had fun playing with my nephew! i love kids lah. all those toddlers. they always looks so cute! :D took so photos anw,shall post it tomorrow when i post longer. haha,alright. gotta go catch some sleep already! church tomorrow! reached home super late last night! haha. okay,blog again tomorrow! :D
where are you?
lately,i just can't stop myself.